A flat-lay pic of an infographic showing different b2b social media content ideas
In the current digital era, where automation is prevalent, social media has emerged as a potent tool for businesses to establish meaningful connections with customers and cultivate relationships, trust, and credibility. Pic Courtesy: Pexels

In today’s day and age, when everything is automated, social media is a powerful tool that helps businesses connect with their customers and build relationships, trust, and credibility in the marketplace as a thought leader. Social media marketing, as it is popularly known, is an incredible way for B2B companies to create and re-invent their brand story, grow their following, and educate consumers on new and innovative products or industry trends.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. How Does Social Media Content Benefit B2B Marketing?
  3. 27 B2B Social Media Content Ideas That Are A Must-Try For Businesses Looking To Grow Their Brand Image
    3.1 Share Tips & Advice Related To The Industry
    3.2 Share Holiday Posts
    3.3 Host a Q&A session on social media
    3.4 Share polls or surveys to gather feedback
    3.5 Host a Contest or a Giveaway
    3.6 Share Images and Videos
    3.7 Collaborate with other brands or influencers
    3.8 Share Quotes or Inspirational Messages
    3.9 Share Personal Stories or Experiences
    3.10 Share infographics and other visual content
    3.11 Share curated content from other sources
    3.12 Share behind-the-scenes looks at events or conferences
    3.13 Share Special Offers or Promotions
    3.14 Share Customer Testimonials
    3.15 Share user-generated videos, such as product demonstrations
    3.16 Share news articles and industry reports
    3.17 Share updates or announcements about the company
    3.18 Host a live stream
    3.19 Share case studies
    3.20 Create and share Top 10 lists
    3.21 Share links to interesting or relevant articles or blog posts
    3.22 Host a Twitter Chat
    3.23 Share Statistics and data
    3.24 Employee Spotlight
    3.25 Company Milestones and Achievements
    3.26 Hiring Announcements
    3.27 Share Updates on Company’s Charitable Work or Community Involvement
  4. How Can Eventible Help?
  5. Key Takeaway

However, the challenging part of this endeavor for any B2B business is to create consistent, engaging, and relevant content that may help them garner attention from other companies and foster professional connections. That’s why we’re excited to share some creative and effective B2B social media content ideas to help businesses connect with their audience and drive productive results. 

How Does Social Media Content Benefit B2B Marketing?

There are many ways in which social media content can benefit B2B marketing. 

  • Increase Brand Awareness and Visibility: Social media is a great platform through which a company can share its news and updates with its customers, such as product launches, industry developments or other news-worthy content, which may interest its potential customers. In doing so, B2B companies can keep their audience informed and engaged, which can lead to increased brand awareness and visibility.
  • Establish a Brand as a Thought Leader: By sharing valuable information and insights on social media, businesses can position themselves as experts in their field and build trust with their audience.
  • Engagement with Customers & Build Relationships: Businesses can use social media to regularly post relevant and engaging content that can help them attract a following of loyal customers interested in their products or services. By doing so, companies can create a sense of community and engagement among customers, leading to increased customer loyalty and repeat business.
  • Lead generation and nurturing: Businesses need to create leads, which they will now have to nurture through constant engagement. Businesses can further nudge potential customers to take the next step in sales by creating compelling offers and calls to action on social media.

But what are some such B2B social media content ideas that businesses can try out to up their customer engagement endeavours and drive success all year long? Well, let’s find out. 

27 B2B Social Media Content Ideas That Are A Must-Try For Businesses Looking To Grow Their Brand Image

A robust social media presence with a considered, targeted & relevant content marketing strategy can aid in establishing and maintaining a business’s reputation as a thought-leader. Pic Courtesy: Freepik

We have compiled a list of a few B2B social media content ideas from which businesses can take cues to establish a solid relationship with their customers and build their brand image.

1. Share Tips & Advice Related To The Industry

Businesses can share tips on how to stay well abreast with industry trends and best practices. Pic Courtesy: Freepik

Social media helps businesses establish themselves as an expert in their field and demonstrates that they are willing to help others by sharing their knowledge and expertise. 

Second, sharing tips and advice related to a particular industry can help businesses engage their audience and encourage them to interact with their content. By providing valuable information their audience finds useful, they can create a sense of community and foster a positive relationship with their followers. 

Third, it can help drive traffic to their website, which can help increase their visibility on social media. When followers/customers find their content helpful, they are more inclined to share it with others, which can help increase their reach and help attract new followers. 

Businesses can share tips on improving a specific business process, such as time management, project management, or customer service. 

Suppose the business in question is into developing project management software. In that case, it could share a tip on using this project management software as an effective tool to manage a complex project with multiple teams and stakeholders. Likewise, businesses can share tips on how to stay well abreast with industry trends and best practices by urging their customers to subscribe to industry-specific newsletters or blogs.

2. Share Holiday Posts

By sharing engaging and relevant holiday-themed content, businesses can attract the attention of their target audience and show them that their company is more approachable. Pic Courtesy: Freepik

Sharing holiday posts helps humanise one’s brand and show that there are real people behind what meets the eye. By doing so, companies can create a more personal connection with their potential and existing customers, which may push them to engage more frequently with the brand. Holiday posts can also be a fun and lighthearted way to break the monotony of business-related content, which can add variety to one’s social media feed. 

By creating engaging and relevant holiday-themed content, businesses can grab the attention of their target audience and show them that their company is approachable. In creating an image like that, B2B companies can help improve customer satisfaction and foster a sense of loyalty towards their brand. Also, holiday posts can be a great way to showcase one’s products or services in a fun and festive way, which can help increase sales and generate more business for the company. 

A few examples of sharing holiday posts on social media go as follows: 

a) Companies can share a holiday message from their leadership, thanking customers for their business and wishing them a happy holiday season.

b) They can host a holiday-themed giveaway or contest on social media and encourage followers to enter by sharing the post on their feed or tagging their friends in the comments.

c) Businesses can create a holiday-themed graphic or video that showcases their company’s products or services and urge them to share these posts on their social media platforms with a festive caption.

d) Companies can also share behind-the-scenes photos or videos from their holiday party or team-building activities and use hashtags related to the holiday to help increase visibility.

e) Furthermore, companies can partner with charitable organisations and encourage followers to support their cause during the holiday season. They can share information about the organisation and ways in which the people can get involved.

Though the examples mentioned above may just be a handful of options, the possibilities are endless! The key is creating creative, engaging content that resonates with the audience and aligns with the brand’s values and message.

3. Host a Q&A session on social media

Using Q&A sessions on social media as a B2B marketing strategy helps to provide valuable and resourceful information that will help potential clients understand the benefits of their products or services. Pic Courtesy: Freepik

Conducting a Q&A session on social media allows businesses to engage directly with their audience and provide valuable information that addresses their questions and concerns. 

By doing so, companies can create trust and credibility with potential customers and allow them an opportunity to showcase their expertise in their field. Additionally, a Q&A session can generate a lot of user-generated content, which can help increase the business’s engagement and visibility on social media.

Some examples that businesses can adopt are as follows.

a) Companies can host a live Q&A session on LinkedIn or Facebook where potential clients can ask questions about their products or services. This endeavour can generate interest in their business and allow them to showcase their expertise. 

b) Businesses can organise and engage in a Twitter chat around a specific topic related to their expertise. By doing so, they can connect with other businesses and thought leaders in their field, potentially attracting new clients.

c) B2B companies can use social media to answer frequently asked questions from clients. This activity can help them establish themselves as a trusted resource and make it easier for potential clients to learn about their business.

d) They can monitor social media for questions related to their industry and use those opportunities to provide helpful answers and showcase their expertise. In doing so, they can build relationships with potential clients and establish themselves as a thought leader.

Overall, the key to using Q&A sessions on social media as a B2B marketing strategy is to provide valuable and helpful information that will help potential clients understand the benefits of their products or services. 

4. Share polls or surveys to gather feedback

Through polls and surveys, businesses can tailor their marketing strategy and improve the effectiveness of their B2B campaigns. Pic Courtesy: Freepik

Polls and surveys can be an excellent strategy for B2B companies to interact with their audience on social media and gather valuable information about their target market. By asking questions related to their industry or products, they can gain valuable insight into the needs and preferences of their potential customers. Read our blogs, Conference Feedback: Why Is It Important & How To Collect It? and 27 Event Survey Questions For Maximum Responses to learn about the importance of feedback and its role in improving customer experience and eventually the brand image.

To make the poll or survey effective, it’s imperative, however, to keep a few things in mind:

a) Businesses must keep the questions focused and relevant to their industry and target market. They must ask only a few questions or refrain from entertaining queries unrelated to their expertise.

b) Companies must offer incentives for participating in the poll or survey, such as discounts or complimentary products, which can help increase participation and make the results more reliable.

c) B2B companies must ensure that the poll or survey is easy to understand and fill out. They must use clear, concise language, which is less technical and easier to understand.

d) They must also share the poll, survey results, or any other insights or takeaways from the data collected on their social media channels. Doing so can help create engagement and foster a sense of community among their followers.

5. Host a Contest or a Giveaway

Hosting a contest or giveaway can increase engagement on your social media pages. Pic Courtesy: Freepik

This move can be valuable for B2B companies, as social media engagement can help build relationships with potential clients and partners.

Second, hosting a contest or giveaway can generate buzz and interest around the brand. This endeavour can especially be helpful if the prize is fitting and valuable to their target audience. For instance, a software company could offer a free license for their software as the prize for the contest. Doing so can help generate interest in their brand and increase awareness of their products or services.

Third, hosting a contest or giveaway can also be a great way to collect valuable data and insights about one’s potential customers. By requiring entrants to provide their contact information or engage with the brand, one can gain helpful information that can aid them in understanding their target customers.

Following are a few steps to host a successful contest or giveaway: 

a) Businesses must set clear goals for their contest or giveaway. They must ask themselves, ‘What do you hope to accomplish? Do you want to expand your brand awareness, generate leads, or drive traffic to your website?”

b) Before hosting a giveaway or contest, companies must choose a prize that will appeal to their target audience. The reward could be a product or service that is relevant to their business or something else that will be of value to their audience. 

c) They must create rules and eligibility criteria for their contest or giveaway. They must communicate these rules to their audience, so they know what to do to enter the contest and win.

d) Businesses must promote their contest or giveaway on their social media channels and encourage their followers to share it with their networks. 

e) They must use hashtags and other tactics to increase visibility and reach.

f) B2B companies must engage with their audience during the contest or giveaway, encourage participation and interaction, and respond promptly to any questions or comments on posts. 

g) They must choose a winner, announce it publicly on their social media channels, and follow any legal requirements for contests or giveaways in their region.

6. Share Images or Videos

Effective social media content for B2B marketing should be informative, engaging, and relevant to the target audience. Pic Courtesy: Freepik

Sharing images and videos on social media help visually engage and attract the attention of potential customers. This social media content idea can benefit B2B companies, as their products or services may not be immediately exciting or easy to understand without some context or explanation. By sharing images and videos, B2B companies can help provide that context and make their offering more compelling and appealing to potential customers.

For images, this could include product shots, infographics, behind-the-scenes photos, and ideas that showcase the company’s culture and values. For videos, this could include product demos, customer testimonials, company culture videos, and educational content that provides value to the viewer.

It’s vital to keep in mind that the content that will be most effective will depend on the unique goals and target audience of the B2B company.

Images and videos can effectively promote a B2B company’s event on social media. B2B companies often organize events to network with other businesses and potential clients. These events can help a B2B company build relationships with other businesses, showcase its products or services, and generate leads for new sales. Here are a few ideas for using images and videos on one’s social media to market the B2B event:

a) Share sneak peeks of the event venue, setup, or special features to create buzz and anticipation.

b) Show behind-the-scenes footage of the event planning process, interviews with speakers or attendees, or other exclusive content to give followers a glimpse of what they can expect.

c) Highlight key takeaways or moments from the event through short clips or photo galleries. Doing so captures the attention of people who couldn’t attend and encourages them to register for future events.

d) Use images and videos to promote special offers or discounts for the event, such as early bird pricing or group rates.

e) Share user-generated content from past events, such as photos or videos of attendees networking or enjoying themselves. Doing so will help create a sense of community and encourage engagement from your followers.

The key is to use engaging, relevant, and appealing visuals as they will help capture a company’s audience’s attention and encourage them to take action, such as registering for the event or sharing it with their own networks.

7. Collaborate with other brands or influencers

Collaborating with other brands or influencers can effectively drive more traffic to a company’s social media channels and potentially increase its customer base. Pic Courtesy: Freepik

Collaborating with other brands or influencers is one of the best b2b social media content ideas as it can generate more exposure for one’s brand and potentially attract new customers. By working with other companies or influencers who have a large following, one can tap into their audience and introduce their brand to an entirely new group of people.

Collaborating with others can help create unique and engaging content that stands out from what you might typically post. Doing so can help keep one’s social media channels fresh and exciting and can also help establish a sense of community around the brand.

Some of the effective ways for businesses to collaborate with other brands or influencers are:

a) Partnering with a complementary brand to cross-promote each other’s products or services. For example, a fitness clothing brand could team up with a fitness app to offer a joint promotion to its combined audience. Doing so can help both brands reach a new audience and generate more sales.

b) Collaborating with an industry influencer to create content highlighting a brand’s products or services. For example, a software company could work with a well-known tech influencer to create a video tutorial or review its product. Doing so can help increase brand awareness and credibility among its target audience.

c) Hosting a joint webinar or live event with another brand or influencer can be a great way to provide value to the audience and showcase the business’ expertise in the industry. It can also help a business build relationships with other industry players and generate new leads for the company.

8. Share Quotes or Inspirational Messages

Sharing quotes as a B2B social content idea can provide valuable insight and motivation to a company’s audience, which can help the company in question stand out from the rest of the industry. Pic Courtesy: Freepik

Sharing quotes or inspirational messages is one of the best b2b social media content ideas as it can play an instrumental role in humanizing a brand and making a company seem more approachable and relatable to its target audience.

They can also help businesses foster a stronger connection with their audience and potentially lead to increased engagement with their content.

When a business posts quotes and inspirational messages on its social media platform, it also establishes itself as a thought leader in their field, hoping to potentially attract more customers.

Quotes and inspirational messages can be a productive way for a business to engage with its audience on social media in a business-to-business (B2B) context. Here are a few examples:

a) When businesses share a quote from a thought leader in their industry, they help position their brand as knowledgeable and well-informed. For example, if it’s a B2B software company, it can share a quote from a well-known figure in the tech industry.

b) Posting an inspirational message can help motivate followers and show that the brand is committed to helping them succeed. For example, a B2B marketing agency could share an inspiring quote about the power of perseverance or the importance of teamwork.

c) Quotes and inspirational messages drive engagement and spark relevant conversations on social media. For example, a company could ask its followers to share their favourite quotes or how a particular inspirational message resonates, which will nudge them to participate and interact with the brand.

Using quotes and inspirational messages as part of a company’s B2B social media content strategy can help it connect with its audience, showcase its expertise, and drive engagement on its social media channels.

9. Share Personal Stories or Experiences

When a B2B company shares anecdotes and personal experiences, it shows potential clients what to expect if they work with the business. Pic Courtesy: Freepik

Sharing personal stories and experiences on social media can help businesses build a sympathetic, relatable and approachable brand image, which can help attract potential customers and build trust with them.

For example, a B2B company that sells office supplies can share a personal story about how one of its employees used a specific product to solve a problem at work. Doing so can showcase the product’s usefulness and value and make it more appealing to the audience.

Another example could be a B2B service provider, such as a marketing agency, that helps clients achieve their business goals, highlighting their success through their services.

 10. Share infographics and other visual content

Visual content like infographic is more shareable than text-based content and is more likely to be shared on social media platforms, which can help to increase brand awareness and drive traffic to a company’s website. Pic Courtesy: Freepik

Visual content like infographics is more engaging than text-based content. It can capture the attention of potential customers more quickly and hold their interest for extended periods.

Second, visual content is more easily digestible than text-based content. It can convey complex ideas and information in a simple and easy-to-understand format, making it more accessible to a broader audience.

Examples of practical b2b social media ideas using infographics and other visual content could include:

a) Creating infographics illustrating the critical benefits of a company’s products or services. Businesses create and share infographics and visual content on social media platforms to help potential customers understand why they should choose the company’s products or services over its competitors.

b) Creating visual content that shows how a company’s products or services are used in real-world scenarios. The different forms of visual content include videos, images, or other types of visual content that demonstrate the practical applications of the company’s offerings.

c) Creating visual content that presents data or statistics in an engaging and easy-to-understand format, such as infographics, charts, or other types of visual content that help to convey complex information in a simple and accessible way.

By using these types of content, companies can effectively communicate their messages to potential customers and increase brand awareness on social media platforms.

11. Share Curated Content From Other Sources

Sharing content from other sources can help build relationships with other industry leaders and influencers, leading to collaboration opportunities and helping expand the business’s reach on social media. Pic Courtesy: Freepik

Curated content is a form of content from other brands or people. Companies often share these content pieces on their social media accounts to increase brand credibility. Some examples of curated content are: sharing the link to a blog post, a roundup newsletter with quotes or advice from industry experts, or resharing someone else’s social media posts.

Curated content works as one of the most compelling B2B social media content ideas. It can help businesses provide value to their customers by sharing relevant and valuable information they may not have come across on their own. This form of content can help companies establish their brand as a thought leader and an invaluable resource in the industry.

Additionally, curating content from other sources can help diversify the types of content businesses can share on their social media channels, keeping their audience engaged and preventing their content from becoming repetitive or stale.

12. Share behind-the-scenes looks at events or conferences

Sharing behind-the-scenes (BTS) images and videos can help increase brand awareness and lead to increased sales and revenue. Pic Courtesy: Freepik

Sharing behind-the-scenes looks at events can help change the company’s brand image and make it more relatable to its audience. These images or footage also send a strong message that the company in question is active and engaged in the industry, which can help to establish credibility and build trust with the audience.

Additionally, sharing behind-the-scenes content can generate interest and curiosity about the B2B company and what it does, encouraging more people to follow its social media accounts and engage with its content.

Here are a few things to remember when sharing behind-the-scenes images or videos for events and conferences as part of an effective B2B social media content strategy:

  1. Keep it authentic: Behind-the-scenes content should give a business’s followers a glimpse of what goes on at your events and conferences. Avoid overly staged or posed shots and focus on capturing candid moments that give a genuine glimpse into your event.
  1. Be timely: Share behind-the-scenes content during or immediately after an event. Doing so will help build excitement and anticipation for future events and can also help to drive attendance and engagement at the current event. 
  1. Keep it relevant:  As a B2B business, share behind-the-scenes content pertinent to the audience. These forms of content could include photos of keynote speakers, panel discussions, networking opportunities, or other activities that would interest a business’s potential followers. 
  1. Use hashtags: Use relevant hashtags to help the content reach a wider audience and to make it easy for people to find and engage with the content. For example, if a company shares behind-the-scenes content from a conference, it could use its official hashtag and any other relevant hashtags.
  1. Engage with your audience:  Businesses can engage with their old and new customers by asking questions, responding to comments, and sharing content. Sharing behind-the-scenes images will help businesses build a sense of community around their event and can also help them drive more traffic to their social media accounts.

13. Share Special Offers or Promotions

Promoting and sharing special offers and promotions on social media is an effortless way to improve lead generation, boost conversions, and increase sales. Pic Courtesy: Freepik

By offering a special deal or promotion, businesses can create a sense of urgency that nudges people to take action. Doing so can be especially effective if the offer is available only for a limited duration. Additionally, by sharing this type of content on social media, businesses can reach a broader audience and increase the visibility of their business.

One potential strategy for sharing special offers and promotions on social media for a business-to-business (b2b) company would be to create engaging and informative posts highlighting the offer’s or promotion’s benefits. For example, a business could create a post that explains how the offer or promotion can help a potential customer save time, money, or resources and include a call to action that encourages them to take advantage of the offer.

Additionally, the business could use hashtags and the tagging feature to help extend the reach of its posts and increase its visibility among potential customers.

The key is to encourage businesses to create relevant, valuable, and engaging content for their target audience and to use social media to interact with potential customers and build long-lasting and strong relationships with them.

14Share Customer Testimonials

Customer and client testimonials help companies showcase their product benefits and help them build their reputation and trust with their potential clients and customers. Pic Courtesy: Freepik

Sharing testimonials from satisfied customers on social media can be an effective B2B content strategy as it can help businesses build trust and credibility in the market with their potential clients. Seeing positive feedback from other businesses that have used their product or services can help reassure businesses that their company is reliable and trustworthy.

Second, it can also serve as social proof, showing that other businesses or individuals have found success using their company’s offerings. By doing so, businesses can help persuade potential clients to try their product or service.

One example of a company that effectively uses customer testimonials in its social media content is Zendesk, a customer service software company. Zendesk often features customer testimonials and success stories on their social media channels, highlighting the benefits and results that their clients have achieved by using their software. This type of content can be particularly effective for B2B companies because it provides potential customers with real-life examples of how other businesses have successfully used the product or service.

Another example is Salesforce, a customer relationship management (CRM) platform. They also regularly share customer success stories on their social media channels, highlighting how their platform has helped businesses improve their sales and customer service. Testimonials help Salesforce showcase its platform’s value and encourage other companies to try it.

15. Share user-generated videos, such as product demonstrations

By featuring real-world examples of how to use their products, B2B companies can set a trustworthy image of their brand in the minds of their potential customers, which can further inspire them to purchase their products. Pic Courtesy: Freepik.

User-generated videos or product demonstrations can help businesses showcase the real-world use of a product or service and demonstrate its value to potential customers. These videos can be particularly effective for B2B companies, as business buyers often want to see how a product or service can help solve specific problems or improve their operations.

One example of a company using user-generated content in their B2B social media marketing is HubSpot, a marketing and sales software provider. The company regularly features user-generated videos on their social media channels, showcasing how its customers use their products in their businesses. These videos highlight the value of the products and inspire other companies to try them.

Another example is Hootsuite, a social media management platform. In addition to sharing user-generated content and customer success stories, they also use their social media channels to share product demos and tutorials. These videos and posts provide potential customers with a clear understanding of how the platform works and how it can help them manage their social media presence more effectively.

16. Share News Articles and Industry Reports        

Sharing articles & reports can be beneficial if companies include a call-to-action in their social media posts, encouraging people to visit their websites to learn more about the company & what they have to offer. Pic Courtesy: Freepik

Sharing relevant news articles and industry reports on social media helps establish B2B companies as thought leaders and an expert in their respective industries. By sharing relevant articles and reports about the business, companies demonstrate that they are up-to-date on the latest trends and developments in their field. Doing so can help businesses to build a sense of trustworthiness and dependability with their audience.

Second, sharing news articles and industry reports can help engage your audience and stimulate discussion. By sharing interesting and relevant articles with their audience, businesses can encourage them to comment, like, and share their content, which can help increase their reach and visibility on social media.

Third, sharing news articles and industry reports can also help drive traffic to the website. Many people will click on links to articles and reports that are shared on social media, which can help increase the number of visitors to a company’s website.

17. Share updates or announcements about the company

An important benefit of sharing updates and announcements on social media is that they can help increase brand awareness and reach. Pic Courtesy: Freepik

Sharing updates and announcements informs potential customers about the latest developments and important news concerning the business. This way, customers’ interest in the company will remain piqued, the brand will be able to establish a trusted relationship with them, and their interest in the company’s products and services will continue to grow. 

Examples of companies that have successfully used this strategy include Dropbox, Slack, and Asana. These companies regularly share updates about new features, product releases, and other important announcements on their social media channels, which helps to keep their followers informed and engaged.

By sharing its updates and reports on popular social media platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook, a B2B company can reach a large audience and potentially attract new followers and customers.

18.  Host a Live-Stream Event

Live streaming allows companies to connect with their audience personally and authentically whilst establishing themselves as a thought leader in their industry. Pic Courtesy: Freepik

Hosting a live stream event allows businesses to connect with their audience in real time and provide them with valuable, informative content. Live streaming will enable companies to engage with their audience and build connections, assurance, and goodwill. 

Some examples of companies successfully using live streaming as part of their B2B social media strategy include Cisco, IBM, and Oracle. Cisco, for example, regularly hosts live stream events on topics such as cybersecurity and networking, which provide valuable information to their audience of IT professionals. IBM also uses live streaming to showcase their latest technology and innovations and provide expert insights on various topics.

19. Share Case Studies 

Case studies provide concrete examples of how your company has helped other businesses solve problems or achieve their goals. Pic Courtesy: Freepik.

Sharing case studies allows businesses to showcase their success with other companies, which can help build continued trust and reliability with their audience. For example, if a company has helped a client improve their sales or increase their efficiency, sharing that success story can be a compelling way to demonstrate the company’s value.

Additionally, case studies can provide valuable insights and best practices that other businesses can learn from, which can help engage and educate the audience.

This social media content idea can be a powerful way for businesses to showcase their expertise and demonstrate the value of their products or services.

By sharing real-life examples of their work, businesses can provide evidence of their capabilities and establish themselves as authority figure and thought leaders in their industry. 

Case studies can also be an effective way to generate leads and drive sales. By sharing success stories with their customers, businesses can showcase the benefits of using their products or services and encourage other businesses to consider working with them. 

20. Create and share “top 10” lists

A Top ten list can be beneficial for business-to-business (B2B) companies, as it can help them educate their audience and position themselves as an authority figure in their industry. Pic Courtesy: Freepik.

Creating a top 10 list can be a good B2B social media content idea because it can provide value to customers and followers by giving them a concise and easily digestible summary of important information concerning the business or the industry.

A top 10 list can be an engaging format that encourages readers to interact with the content and share it with their followers. A list like that can help increase the reach of companies’ social media posts and potentially drive more traffic to their website.

B2B companies can follow the tips to pen down their top 10 lists and use them as practical social media content ideas.

a) While preparing a list, select a relevant and exciting topic for the company’s target audience. Doing so will help ensure that the list is valuable and engaging to its followers.

b) Ensure that the list is concise and focused. Top 10 lists are best when they are focused on a specific topic rather than covering too many different things in one go.

c) Use images, videos, or other visual elements to make the list more engaging and easy to read.

d) Add a call to action (CTA) at the end of the list. This CTA could be a link to a blog post, a product page, or a sign-up form for the company’s email newsletter.

e) Share your list on multiple social media platforms, and encourage customers and followers of the company to share it with their networks. Doing so can help increase its visibility and reach.

f) Monitor the engagement and response to the list, and use the feedback received to improve future lists and social media content strategy.

By following these tips, businesses can effectively use this format as part of their B2B social media content strategy.

21. Share links to interesting or relevant articles or blog posts

By sharing articles & blog posts related to its area of interest or expertise, the company can position itself as someone knowledgeable and up-to-date on the latest developments in the industry. Pic Courtesy: Freepik

22. Host a Twitter Chat

Twitter chats can generate interest in the company brand, foster meaningful connections with potential customers, and gather valuable insights that can help companies improve their products or services. Pic Courtesy: Freepik

23. Share Statistics and Data

Sharing statistics and data enables companies to showcase their expertise and thought leadership in their industry. Pic Courtesy: Freepik

By sharing relevant and interesting data and statistics, businesses can demonstrate their knowledge and engage their audience in a meaningful way. Doing so can help them establish trust and credibility with potential customers, leading to increased brand awareness and sales.

For example, a B2B marketing company specializing in data analysis could share infographics or graphs on social media that illustrate trends in the market. This type of content would be helpful to other businesses that are interested in well abreast with the latest developments in their industry.

By sharing this information, the marketing company would be positioning itself as a trusted source of information and insights, which could help attract new customers and drive business growth.

Another example of how sharing statistics and data can be compelling for B2B marketing is through case studies. By sharing real-world examples of how their products or services have helped other businesses to succeed, companies can showcase the value that they offer to their customers. By doing so, they can establish relevance and credibility with clients, leading to increased sales and growth. 

24. Employee Spotlight

Employee spotlight is a social media content form that highlights the achievements and experiences of individual employees within a company. Pic Courtesy: Freepik

This social media content strategy can be effective for business-to-business companies because it allows them to showcase the people behind their brand and humanizes their company. Doing so can help establish a connection with potential clients and partners.

For example, a B2B software company could use employee spotlight content to feature one of their software developers and discuss their role in creating a new product or feature. 

This form of content could include details about their background, expertise, and experience working for the company. This content provides valuable information about the company’s products and services. It helps build a personal connection with the audience by highlighting the real people who make up the company.

Another example of employee spotlight content could be a series of interviews or profiles featuring different company sales team members. This content could include the employees’ sales approach, success stories, and client experience. 

This content could help establish the company’s sales team as experts in their field and provide valuable insights and advice for potential clients.

25. Company Milestones and Achievements

Milestones and achievements help show the employees’ progress and success, which can inspire and engage one’s followers. Pic Courtesy: Freepik

Sharing company’s milestones and achievements will help build an image of the company as a trustworthy brand, showing that it is actively moving forward and achieving its goals.

For example, suppose a B2B company has recently reached a significant sales milestone. In that case, one could share a post on social media highlighting this achievement and thanking their customers for their support. Doing so would help celebrate the company’s success and demonstrate to potential customers/employees that the company they follow is doing well and is worth working with.

Another example of using milestones and achievements in your b2b social media content strategy could be to share updates on new product developments or innovations. Such content could include sharing videos or images of the latest products in action or highlighting customer testimonials and case studies showcasing the products’ benefits. This type of content can help generate interest and excitement around the company and its offerings and help differentiate its business from the competitors.

Sharing milestones and achievements on social media can be a compelling way for businesses to engage and connect with their audience. Sharing awards and recognition on social media can also be a good content strategy for B2B marketing.

26. Hiring Announcements

Sharing hiring announcements can also help build buzz and generate leads by attracting the attention of qualified candidates interested in working for the company. Pic Courtesy: Freepik

Hiring announcements show that the company is growing and expanding, which can help generate interest and excitement among potential customers and partners. Additionally, sharing information about new hires can help humanize the company and give a sense of its culture, which can appeal to potential customers who want to do business with a company that aligns with its values.

27.  Share Updates on Company’s Charitable Work or Community Involvement

Sharing updates on charitable work can help improve a company’s perception and brand. When people see that a particular company is involved in charitable work and is prepared to give back to the community, they may view it more positively and be more likely to support it.

Additionally, sharing updates on charitable work or community involvement can help engage a company’s audience on social media.

People often enjoy hearing about the excellent work that companies are doing, and sharing this information on social media can spark conversations and interactions with their followers or potential customers.

Finally, sharing the company’s updates about its charitable work or community involvement can help promote its values and mission. By highlighting the causes, it cares about and is involved in supporting, the company will be able to emphasize its core values and mission and make it clearer to its audience. This endeavor will help differentiate it from its competitors and make it more appealing to potential customers.

How Can Eventible Help?

Most B2B businesses, use events as a means to connect with other businesses and build relationships. By attending and participating in industry events, businesses can gain exposure, make connections with potential clients, partners, and suppliers, and learn about the latest trends and developments in their field. Additionally, hosting events can help a business establish itself as a thought leader and build its brand. Overall, events can be a valuable tool for businesses looking to grow and succeed in the B2B space and work as a great marketing tool that can be leveraged through social media. 

We at Eventible, a review platform for B2B events, make gathering data for these events and conferences incredibly easy. We provide businesses with insightful feedback that helps them improve their events in the following year, thereby enhancing customer experience and their own brand image and overall growth. 

Key Takeaway

As we have already seen, B2B companies can effectively use social media to engage with their target audience and drive business growth. By regularly sharing valuable and relevant content, participating in industry discussions, and leveraging social media advertising, B2B companies can build strong relationships with their customers and position themselves as thought leaders. By implementing these strategies and regularly reviewing and refining their approach, B2B companies can maximize the impact of their social media presence and drive long-term success.

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