Eventible, the world’s largest source of business conference reviews, is excited to announce a major change to its platform. Starting today, users will be able to search for and find events aligned to their top goals, with the introduction of the “priority filter.”

Eventible’s new feature allows users to filter events by their primary priorities: “networking & connecting” and “learning & innovation.” In survey after survey, Eventible’s users have consistently identified these two priorities as the most important when searching for events to attend.

A screenshot of how Eventible’s priority filter looks.

To quote Ankush Gupta, Founder, Eventible – “We’re thrilled to introduce this new feature to our platform. Our users have been telling us for some time that they want a more personalized event search experience, and we’re happy to deliver that with the priority filter.”

The priority filter has been extensively tested and is now open to all users. With this new feature, Eventible is making it easier than ever for attendees to find the events that align with their goals, whether they’re looking to network and connect with other professionals or to learn and innovate in their industry.
For more information about the priority filter, please visit Eventible’s website at www.eventible.com.

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